NEW COMIC BOOK Read Jason's story, Farewells, in the Dark Horrors II Anthology from Arcana Studios. Dark Horrors II is available by pre-order from your local comic shop or on-line soon at the Arcana Studios shop. Jason Whiton (Writer/Editor), Jason Hanks (Artist), Jason Arthur (Letterer). |
JASON'S COMIC WORK Publications as a comic writer/artist include USA Weekend, Woman's World, Valley Comic News, The Instrumentalist, the book Mort Walker Conversations (U Press of Miss), and the upcoming comic book, Dark Horrors II (Arcana). Jason is currently submitting scripts to comic book editors and is working on Graphic Novel projects. |
"At first it was just a disguise, but then I started to like it."
written & designed for USA Weekend by Jason Whiton
Comic Strips
Kirby Kiwi